Monday, January 4, 2010

Cars, vacuums, and dryers, oh my!

What a week! Within 2 days I had to replace a car, vacuum and clothes dryer. Hmmmm....! I hope this is the end of "things" breaking down! I can only pay for a few things!

I have made great strides in making some positive changes this week! The poor garbage people will not be too thrilled tomorrow! Sorting, throwing, mopping, sweeping, you name it and I've been working on it! It is freeing to see positive changes in my living and work environments! I'll be able to finish my laundry on Friday when the new dryer comes! I'm so thankful that the man is reliable and that I've dealt with him for years! It pays off to buy from people who have been local for years!

My new car is...wonderful! It's still scary to think that I might get a scratch or something! I hope I can maintain the beauty of the car for a long time! No more living in my auto!

I was diagnosed with ADD as an adult and have always been..."whatever" about it because I was working on other things. Someone I know recommended a resource and it was like reading about myself! It actually made me feel better to know that the disorganization, a symptom of ADD as well as the struggle to even begin to maintain it. I've always felt like I've had to work harder than everyone else and just reading about ADD online helped me to feel better about who I am and to celebrate my strengths instead of feeling bad about my weaknesses! It is somewhat interesting to feel more empowered with this knowledge. Interesting!

Kids were really decent at school today! Less drama and fun to work with! I worked on teaching with a calm smile and hopefully I'll make it through the week that way! All in all....good day. (despite the car, vacuum, and dryer!)

1 comment:

  1. You sound refreshed, Karen. I think this blog is going to do great things for you and others. :)
