Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Crazy week!

It's Wednesday night and I'm tired! Two days to go and I hope I'm smart enough to rest some this weekend! Even though it doesn't seem like it...a lot has been accomplished and I'm not giving up on changing! My office is within an hour or two of being done and then I can start on the practice/uniform room then the library! I do need to ask for help so it goes faster! I did buy a small, inexpensive table for my office and hopefully that will keep "things" off the floor! This blog is helping to keep me more accountable--even if I'm the only one who reads it! Go Karen!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Filing, filing, throwing, and filing!

The progress I have made is amazing! I'm so excited to see the end result and I hope I can maintain the neater look! Everyday (almost) I've put away something, sorted a drawer....whatever to make some progress. Am I bet! This feels good and is making such a good difference on my attitude and soon my prep for class and free time! :(

Friday, January 15, 2010

Big changes at work

Today was an amazingly productive day. I worked hard to get the "due" things in last night and today I sorted, threw and filed large amounts of paper work, items from the early 90'! I still have a long way to go and I am forever grateful to Tracy for helping. She has a gift for putting an area together in a nice manner. Tracy was also great at strongly encouraging me to get rid of things! I really needed that help! The whole goal is to simply make my teaching life easier and to be able to focus better on my students rather than..messes, lost items, and being overwhelmed! It's exciting to see the changes happen! I am planning on spending some time there this weekend to go through more files and to toss more paper name it! Thanks Tracy!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today was a great productive day! My grades are done and in! I sorted through a lot of my office "stuff". Contest is almost completely taken care of! Which means....I can devote most of tomorrow to really organizing and cleaning up at school! WOOT! This is going to be shocking! I hope I can get through a lot of the 20 years of paper, folders, ideas, etc. and find an efficient, easy way to organize everything. On to Friday-workday!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Holden Village

This is a panorama view of Holden Village. I found it on the internet somewhere. The other is Railroad Creek that runs beside the village, one of my favorite places to hang out. Holden is a remote intentional community in the Cascade Mountains of Washington. My first visit was in 2009 and it was a fantastic opportunity for me to stop and simply enjoy life. Evening Vespers is an important part of Holden because it is when the entire village comes together. The people at Holden change daily but a spirit of hospitality and kindness in the spirit of God's all encompassing love are the cornerstone of village life, with a good dose of Holden hilarity. Something that is unique and special!

If you ever get a chance....go!

Tuesday and still hanging in there!

What a week. So much is due by Friday and there are so many events coming in Feb. Pretty overwhelming at times. I'm trying to be diligent and calm as I work to get this done in addition to my regular life. One step at a time!

Work: Almost have the contest under control. Lots of kids need to turn in money tomorrow...they will....they will.... Grades, preparing for an all-district concert in Feb and contests.....coming...but a lot of work to come! I 've always said that teaching is feast or famine! Too much to do or nothing pressing to do at all. I've been slowly redoing worksheets, our inventory sheets and our library so that it will be complete by summer!

Home: For the first time in 2 years I almost have every article of clothing laundered. My goal is to get it in my closet so I can sort through it and donate the seldom/not-fitting clothing by early next week. It would be a great Sunday or Monday project! One step at a time!

So far...I'm making progress simply to make my life at home and school easier and healthier. Then I can do things for me! I have been accepted as a volunteer to Holden Village again. I gave them 5 or 6 weeks and will finalize once I purchase a plane ticket! YAY!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sun pm....a new week begins

How is it that weekends go so fast? Did you ever notice that Sun evenings flew by and suddenly it's 11:45 pm and you need to be in bed? That's me, so, this will be quick! Some real positive change here! A little at a time! Keep that mantra going kiddo! Good night!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Yup, God is good.

Had a little scare about something today and took care of it immediately! It always amazes me to know that God is always present, always giving, and always forgiving! Phew!!

Is this really me??

Whoa! I got some serious under the bed cleaning done. Now I know where all the cat hair is as well as some items I haven't seen for...ahem...awhile! This really feels good! I keep working for just a bit every day and hopefully I'll have a ton more done within a couple weeks and can get my carpet shampooed!

This may be a new start so I can relax and enjoy myself at home more! Maybe it's the blog! Who cares as long as I accomplish some of these long term goals I've had!

Note to self: Take care of what you can today and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow!

I set up ical and am starting to use it more every day. I am still working on the cell phone, not sold on the blackberry yet! Less paper, less mess! I still need to do contacts somewhere safe!

Updated goals: keep at it! Sort through clothes I am no longer wearing, keep sorting and picking up. (I started the office today!)

Snow and cold this week!'s cold outside! Right now it's -8 without the wind chill. Yesterday the Champaign Urbana schools were pretty much the only one open. Kids were pretty silly after a day off! Hopefully next week they'll settle in a bit more!

I teach a 6th grade beginning band class this year and all of a sudden they are amazing! I'm not quite sure why-certain people gone.......what they had for lunch...hmmm! It's exciting to see them enjoying playing and striving to become better. It is interesting to know that this class was very difficult in the beginning of the year! Yay for them!!

A lot of the concert music is out and the rest will be ready for Monday. Just have to choose a couple pieces for 6th grade band!

I was pleased to get several things off my to do list on Thursday and most of my calendar on's coming! I also reentered the inventory and am working on the library! YAY! Maybe this blog was a good idea.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Cars, vacuums, and dryers, oh my!

What a week! Within 2 days I had to replace a car, vacuum and clothes dryer. Hmmmm....! I hope this is the end of "things" breaking down! I can only pay for a few things!

I have made great strides in making some positive changes this week! The poor garbage people will not be too thrilled tomorrow! Sorting, throwing, mopping, sweeping, you name it and I've been working on it! It is freeing to see positive changes in my living and work environments! I'll be able to finish my laundry on Friday when the new dryer comes! I'm so thankful that the man is reliable and that I've dealt with him for years! It pays off to buy from people who have been local for years!

My new car is...wonderful! It's still scary to think that I might get a scratch or something! I hope I can maintain the beauty of the car for a long time! No more living in my auto!

I was diagnosed with ADD as an adult and have always been..."whatever" about it because I was working on other things. Someone I know recommended a resource and it was like reading about myself! It actually made me feel better to know that the disorganization, a symptom of ADD as well as the struggle to even begin to maintain it. I've always felt like I've had to work harder than everyone else and just reading about ADD online helped me to feel better about who I am and to celebrate my strengths instead of feeling bad about my weaknesses! It is somewhat interesting to feel more empowered with this knowledge. Interesting!

Kids were really decent at school today! Less drama and fun to work with! I worked on teaching with a calm smile and hopefully I'll make it through the week that way! All in all....good day. (despite the car, vacuum, and dryer!)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

January 1, 2010

Welcome to a new decade! It has been an interesting ending to 2009! The last big "thing" I did was to purchase a brand new car. It took a small accident and the end of a tax deduction to get me to finally buy one! Big purchases take me a long time to finally take care of, but, when I do....I will have done my homework and will get the best I can! I bought a Toyota Corolla 2010 a sporty looking light gray model with and i pod connection and sun roof! ME! I know I did the right thing but....whoa!

That being said, I will be donating my old car to a school that will hopefully need it and will get a check from the insurance company of the people who hit my car! They simply backed up into my car in a parking lot, forgot to look and boom....I lost! My very first accident! I was upset, (not hurt), and later became very angry which helped me to clean my house....I 'm on the way! So....I'm off!

I don't believe in New Years resolutions because not many of us can keep them, but I do believe in goals and plans! Some of my goals are:

.5 Be more active in where I can....give more...know God for inner peace!
1. Work on keeping my house clean! (Quit dumping whatever, wherever!)
2. Become more technologically proficient to get rid of paper trails!
3. Sleep more!
4. Less computer...more people and play (scrap booking, going out....)
5. Simplify as much as I can!
6. Be good to my self by giving of myself and to myself.
7. Smile a lot more!
8. Realize that I am who I am and I can not change to please only
puts me in a bad mood anyway!
9. EXERCISE and eat healthier...if you know me...enough said!
10. Quit worrying about the future! I can only do so much to make things work!


There's nothing earth shattering here.....just working to be healthier, to find that inner peace, to be the best I can be for myself, others and God. To be happy, content and adventurous as well as enjoying living and being in the moment! Good goals! I hope you might have set some goals too! Today is the life we are living! Nurture and appreciate all the people and gifts in our lives!
